But the basic premise did revisit me back to the days when I was a kid and used to fantasise about being the last human alive. Imagine! A world all to myself! The adventures I would have!
Now that I have grown up I realize how foolish those kiddie notions of mine were! Every adult male in every specie knows that his primary function in this world is to procreate and further his race. So being the last man (or woman) alive would completely negate this primary function and thus make the purpose of his existence void.
So that means that a Last Woman on the Earth would be needed as well. This would solve the immediate problem of procreation (a very important solution none the less) but still would be of no use in furthering the race, because inbreeding and its associated genetic damage would ensure that not many further generations would be spawned.
This is the major reason why I do not believe in the Adam and Eve concept because that would make us all genetically mutated freaks related to each other.
A possible (and extremely pleasurable) solution could be that I would still be the last man on earth but the women on earth would still be represented in a sizable number. But even this argument provides many problems.
A. The inbreeding issue would still remain.
B. One man among many women will give rise to jealousies, hatred and would eventually lead to my death in case a tug - of - war like situation developed for possession of me.
So eventually this would necessitate the presence of another male and thus the entire fantasy of being the last man alive would come crashing down.
Maybe last man alive per country would not be such a bad idea!
p.s. On a serious note, leaving aside the sexist undertones of this post where I wish for a situation of many woman to few men, there lies a serious danger of the reverse case occurring, especially in a country which is so happy with aborting female fetuses and infanticide. I hope people realize, that without a balanced sex ratio, the country will witness more cases of desperate acts by a sexually frustrated male population. No one bloody well ever thinks of the bigger picture. Its time they started to do so!
This is Social Reformer Santosh signing out!
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