Saturday, December 2, 2006

Stuck home on a Sunday

I have entered a phase in my life which I occasionally enter every few months.

It involves me not setting foot out of my house for the entire weekend. I just stay curled up in bed and read a book. The odd thing is that I feel very guilty doing this. I mean, after a grueling 5 days of Office I should be going out with friends to movies or shopping(especially since I really need to buy some new clothes) or maybe to go give my bike for Service, which it seriously requires.

But I can't and won't - no matter how much I get berated by my parents for being so lazy.

So, one might question, which is this great piece of literature that is keeping me so occupied. the current book that has attained this privileged position is Harry Potter - The Order of the Pheonix.
One might snigger hearing this, but I've always found the Harry Potter books to be something that you tend to read in one go, which is getting difficult with every successive volume in the series expanding in size alarmingly.

Why I am I jotting down all this uninteresting tripe??? I have no clue myself!

The next post I plan to write is a detailed critique about the characterizations and plots of all the Hari Puttar novels. Hahaha! No ones gonna read that!

BTW in a completely unrelated topic, if anyone gets damn frustrated in their love life, I recommend dimming the lights and listening to the music of Kailash Kher - Kailasa.
And also Strings.

Signing out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like i'm the first to comment on the musings of Santosh Bhat aka santy.As i've always maintained you've got a terrific sense of humour, sometimes subtle and sometimes obvious but always amusing.Damn this sounds like a testimonial.Anyway looking forward to reading more of your blogs in the future.Hmmm you are frustrated in your love life ...wonder why ?