Sunday, April 29, 2007

This blog stuff

Hey I really like this blog writing stuff. It's pretty cool. I get to write whatever I want and it reaches a potentially world wide audience. I mean of course, this potentially means opening myself up to ridicule...but that's never stopped me before.

I mean after all only 10 people might read my blog ... out of that only 1 might like what's written and think it to be funny while the other 9 might be going --> "Whadda F***?"

But even if that 1 person leaves behind a comment of appreciation........

.......That makes my day!

So please the 2-3 people who do come over here....Please don't hesitate to comment on what I've written ... If only to trash it. I'll mightily appreciate it.


Wee-Leng said...

Pretty nice ranting from someone in India...

Santosh said...

Nice Blog you have here, check mine too. -