Friday, September 21, 2007

How I went for looks over features, bought an Ipod Nano and screwed myself over

The title of this post is misleading. I am not going to bitch over here about my Ipod Nano which was originally my intention but rather I'm gonna pump about a fake-somebody blog (a fake blog written pretending to be someone famous) called . This ones a fake blog by Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder and personality extrordinaire.
I first read of this blog in TOI (a famous purveyor of putrid journalism itself) when the actual writer of this blog was outed by a New York Times Reporter. This pricked up my curiosity about the blog which led me to visiting it and I've been faithfully following it ever since. Actually it's kinda facetious of me to say that because I only started reading it after it got so popular.
Neways I am a fan mainly because I've always been fascinated by the Innovator that is Steve Jobs ever since I read his biography - iCon. A man who has revolutionized the Computer, Movie and Music Industries.
So I do take time out everyday to read this fake blog about El Jobso and Apple's struggles against BeastMaster and his cohorts at Redmond.

Siooma Suckaz!

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